GUEST BLOG: Dennis Lynch, The Kentucky Trifecta

One form of “exotic “ wagering at the racetrack is the Trifecta. This is where you have to pic the top 3 finishers in a race in the order in which they cross the finish line.

I like the tri’s at the track but my favorite Trifecta is actually one I invented this winter and it takes place in the field.

Unless one is lucky enough to live in the Colorado Rockies or near the flooded timber of Arkansas, the winter time somewhat limits your hunting/fishing opportunities and cabin fever can strike at any time.

Most of the time when we think of a hunting trip it involves hours of phone calls planning areas to hunt or fish, sleep, eat, whether to fly or drive and more logistical planning than Patton’s 5th army. Once the dates are set the packing and buying out of state licenses. But this winter, in the span of 36 hours I got 3 different opportunities to enjoy the outdoors, sporting dogs and comrades.

On Sunday morning, I found myself and one of my nephews Gannon in the reeds on the banks of a farm pond 4 miles from home. At about 8:15, a small flock of 8 Canadians came into our decoys. Bingo! 2 in the game bag.

At about noon while building a fire Woody called to tell me the boys in Woodford County say the doves are coming into one of their cut corn fields. By 12:30 we were loaded in the car and headed to Dry Ridge Road on a beautiful warm winter’s afternoon.

On our way back home, Woody said we should get the dogs some work on quail before going on our annual quail hunt in Western Kentucky in the spring. A quick call to our friend Dennis at Six Mile Creek Hunting Preserve and we had  20 quails arranged to be set out for us the following morning. I know released birds are not the same as a horse drawn quail shoot in south Georgia, but for a good stretch of the legs, dog work and strong fast flying birds you can’t beat it –especially not for $80!

The quail fried up nice over drinks that evening as Woody and I recounted the last 36 hours.

Lots of fun and good times. Not a minute planned and not a minute wasted.

Most of us are not able to do extended hunting trips more than once or twice a season, but what we can all do is take advantage of every opportunity to get out and enjoy the great outdoors as often and in as many ways possible.

Now for my next project, there is a beautiful trout stream just south of Lexington,KY named Boone Creek.  It’s a members only club with big trout and some of the most picturesque scenery this side of Colorado.

My pal Mike Levy is a member in good standing and with an invite from him I could try the Kentucky Superfecta— waterfowl, dove shoot, upland birding and fly fishing for trout.

Mike , if your out there “You have my number.”


