John Ludlam is a medium format analog photographer currently residing in Denver, Colorado. Two years ago, he started processing and printing his own photos in the darkroom and hasn’t gone back to digital since. He loves photographing anything and everything, but especially those people who enjoy traditional or artisan processes.
Ever since I can remember, I have always enjoyed spending time on the banks of the river while my dad went fly fishing.
There is something healing about the sounds, smells and feelings that a river gives. Naturally, as I got older I took more and more interest in spending time fly fishing rather than exploring the waters edge as I did when I was younger. When I fish these days, I still find my imagination wandering back to the days of exploration and intrigue that led me to not only love fly fishing, but also the experiences of being truly taken by the atmosphere of the river. This set of photographs is an attempt to capture those things about being by the water that inspired me to start fly fishing, and inspire me to keep coming back to the water for more.