How-To's Smokey’s Steps to Putting Out a Fire A campfire can be one of the best parts of camping, and provide necessary warmth to hunters and other outdoor enthusiasts. Just don’t forget your responsibility to maintain and extinguish it to prevent wildfires. Help Protect the Forests Become a Wildland Firefighter
Field Notes Filson x Smokey: Campfire Safety According to the USFS, 63,546 human-caused wildfires burned nearly 5 million acres across the U.S. in 2017. It is important to remember that no precaution is too small when it comes to fire safety. Here at Filson, we encourage everyone to practice Smokey Bear’s campfire safety best practices on their adventures this summer. Read more
Profiles PHOENIX CREW 1 Meet one of the most unique teams partnering with the USFS – an Arizona Fire Crew made primarily of post-release inmates. Read more 10 Min
Field Notes #2 of 22 - Protectors of the Forest MAN BEAST MACHINE In the beginning, the USFS fought forest fires using animals such as horses and pigeons. Horses provided transportation of man and materials, while pigeons afforded timely communication. From horseback to car, dirt to paved roads and ground to air vehicles, transportation technology is constantly advancing; this is no different for the USFS. Read more 6 Min